About Me

Hi! I am Suning Huang. I am a first-year Ph.D. student at Stanford University advised by Prof. Mac Schwager. Previously, I received my B.Eng. degree at Tsinghua University.

During my undergraduate study, I am fortunate to be mentored by Prof. Huazhe Xu. I was also a research visiting student at MIT CSAIL, under the supervision of Prof. Vincent Sitzmann.

My reseach interest lies in the intersection of robotics, machine learning and control theory. I am eager to explore the world of Embodied AI, with the goal of developing intelligent and robust robotic systems that can perceive and learn in a manner akin to humans, thereby significantly enhancing their efficacy in real-world applications.


DittoGym: Learning to Control Soft Shape-Shifting Robots

Suning Huang, Boyuan Chen, Huazhe Xu, Vincent Sitzmann

Accepted to ICLR2024 [Project]

A pioneered formulation and modeling of the highly-reconfigurable robot within a MPM-powered simulator, along with effective coarse-to-fine curriculum for high-dimensional policy training and comprehensive benchmark.